The Effect of Walking on Quality, Quantity and Sleep-Related Physiological Parameters in Elderly Women [Volume 2, Number 1] |
Anaerobic power
Physical and Physiological Demand of Soccer Player Based on Scientific Research [Volume 1, Number 2] |
Carbohydrate metabolism
Effect of Exercise on Carbohydrate and Lipid Metabolism in the Liver [Volume 2, Number 2] |
Effect of Islamic Fasting on Body Composition, Fasting Glucose and Lipid Profile in Active and In-Active Adult Men [Volume 1, Number 1] |
Investigating the Characteristics of the Chaos Order System in the General Department of Sports and Youth of West Azerbaijan Province [Volume 2, Number 2] |
The Impact of Oral CoQ10 Supplementation on Peripheral Blood Lipid Profiles and Muscular Damage Indices Following Two Weeks Intense Aerobic Training in Elite Cyclists [Volume 2, Number 2] |
Dynamic Skills
The Effect of Perceptual-Motor training on Children's Development motor skills aged between 8 to 11 with high function autistic disorder (HFA) [Volume 2, Number 2] |
The response of Physiological Indices Associated with Fatigue to Consumption Acute of Sodium Bicarbonate Supplementation Loading Along with Exhaustive Activity in the Soldiers [Volume 1, Number 1] |
Fat Metabolism
Exercise-Induced Regulation in Adipose Tissue Metabolism [Volume 2, Number 1] |
The Effects of Magnesium Supplementation on Electromyography Indexes of Muscle Fatigue after Intense Anaerobic Exercise [Volume 2, Number 2] |
Fine Motor Skills
The Effect of Perceptual- Motor training and Spark’s Program on Mentally Retarded Children’s Fine Motor Skills [Volume 1, Number 2] |
Handgrip strength
The Effects of Static and Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation Stretching with Different Duration on Strength and Range of Motion of Wrist in Female Volleyball Players [Volume 2, Number 1] |
Exercise Training and Prostate Cancer [Volume 2, Number 1] |
Response of Stresses Hormones to Interval Training in Young Men [Volume 1, Number 2] |
Karate athletes
A Comparison of Hamstring/Quadriceps Muscular Strength Ratio in Elite Karate Athletes Before and After Muscular Fatigue [Volume 1, Number 1] |
Lower Extremity Modeling, Evaluation of Compressive and Shear Mechanical Forces during Running [Volume 1, Number 2] |
Mental Rotation
Effect of Motor Intervention on Mental Rotation, Meta-Analysis [Volume 1, Number 2] |
Motor vision control
The Effects of Central and Peripheral Vision Resulted from Handwriting on Motor Control of Fine Near- and Far-point Copying Skills among Children [Volume 2, Number 1] |
Ovarian Hormone
The Influence of The Menstrual Cycle Phase on Motor Competence [Volume 1, Number 1] |
The Effect of Eight Weeks of Strength Training in the Water on the Pain and Muscle Strength in Postmenopausal Women with Knee Arthritis [Volume 2, Number 1] |
Anti-cancer Effect of Acetanilide and Para-nitroacetophenone in K562 Cells [Volume 1, Number 1] |
Short-term intensive training
The Effect of Intense Short-Term Training on Serum Levels of Homocysteine and C-Reactive Protein in Elite High School Volleyball Players [Volume 2, Number 2] |
Soccer players
The Relationship between Negative Self-Talk and Self-Handicapping in Soccer Players [Volume 2, Number 1] |
Stimulus color
The Effect of Visual Stimuli with Random Arrangement on Visual Reaction Time among Female Students [Volume 2, Number 2] |
A Single Circuit-Resistance Exercise Effects on Inflammatory Markers of Atherosclerosis; hs-CRP and Homocysteine in Women [Volume 1, Number 1] |
Young Girls
Investigating Cathepsin S and Cystatin C Changes in Girls with Weight Loss; Effects of Resistance Training with Medicago sativa (Alfalfa) Extract Consumption [Volume 1, Number 1] |